Stellerator Embedded

Stellerator Embedded

Stellerator embedded is a library that allows you to embed 6502.ts' VCS emulation into other web pages. It offers most of the functionality provided by Stellerator, minus some of the more exotic configuration options that are unlikely to be useful in this context.

You can find the comprehensive API documentation (including this document) here.


You can find a example of the embedded emulator here. The source code is available in the 6502.ts repository on GitHub here.

The example exposes the Stellerator instance (see below) as window.stellerator, so you can access and explore it in the developer console.


Stellerator consists of two parts: a frontend that renders the emulation output and provides interactivity and the actual emulation core that runs on a separate thread as a web worker. This separation improves emulation performance and avoids slowdowns caused by other activity on the web page.


The frontend provides a single class called Stellerator. It is available both as a prebuild bundle that can directly loaded via script tag and in the 6502.ts package on NPM. The prebuilt script is most suitable for including the emulator in a web page, while the NPM package is mainly aimed at more sophisticated JavaScript / Typescript applications which have their own build process.


The emulation backend is available as a prebuilt script that is loaded by the frontend at runtime and that needs to be hosted on the page / domain that embeds the emulation.


Prebuilt browser bundle

Download the archive of the latest release from GitHub. The archive contains two scripts that need to be hosted on your web server alonside the page that embeds the emulator.

  • stellerator_embedded.js: The emulation frontend. Load this via a script tag in your HTML:
<script src="js/stellerator_embedded.js"></script>

The Stellerator class is available on the global $6502 object after the script has been loaded.

  • stellerator_worker.js: The web worker. The path to this script must be passed to the constructor of the Stellerator instance:
const stellerator = new $6502.Stellerator(canvasElement, 'js/stellerator_worker.js');

In addition to these two scripts, the archive also contains source maps for both. Place these on you server and host them alongside the scripts in order to enable source-level debugging and traces in the developer console.

Installation via NPM

The emulation core of 6502.ts is available as 6502.ts on NPM. Install into your project e.g. using npm via

$ npm install 6502.ts

After installation, you can import the Stellerator class using an ES6 import

import Stellerator from '6502.ts/lib/web/embedded/stellerator/Stellerator';

or via require

var Stellerator = require('6502.ts/lib/web/embedded/stellerator/Stellerator').default;

The NPM module comes with TypeScript typings, so you can use it directly in a TypeScript project.

Note that the NPM module provides only the frontend; you'll still have to download the worker script and host it alongside your application.


Basic usage

In order to use the emulator, you need to include a canvas element in your web page (which will display the TIA image) and create an instance of the Stellerator class:

const stellerator = new Stellerator(canvasElement, 'js/stellerator_worker.js');

The second argument of the constructor is the URL from which the web worker will be loaded.

Emulation can then be started by invoking the run method, Stellerator.TvMode.ntsc);

ROM images can be provided as arrays, typed arrays or as base64 encoded strings. Both the constructor and run support an optional argument that allows to adjust many properties of the emulator to the requirements of the embedding page, including ROM type, rendering options and input emulation. In addition, there are methods on the Stellerator class that enable interaction with the emulator at runtime. Please check out the full API documentation for details.

The canvas element

The emulators requires a canvas element on the embedding page in order to display the TIA image. The resolution of the canvas is managed by stellerator and automatically adjusted for optimal display given the on-screen dimensions of the canvas element and the device pixel ratio when emulation starts or enters / leaves fullscreen mode. The width and height attributes of the canvas element need not be specified and will be overridden by stellerator (this does not apply to the actual on-screen size that is determined by CSS).

If the canvas changes size while the emulator runs, the video driver should be notified using the resize method on the stellerator instance. This does not apply to window size changes in fullscreen mode --- the video driver takes care of those automatically.

The canvas can be styled regularily using CSS; however, padding and box-model as well as borders must be avoided. Please use a wrapper element to achieve those effects. In addition, fullscreen mode (see below) changes element styles on the canvas --- do not use element styles on the canvas in oder to avoid collisions.

Emulator options

There are several options that influence the behavior of Stellerator. These can either be specified when the constructor is invoked or changed at runtime by invoking setters on the Stellerator instance. The following example code is taken from the example page:

const stellerator = new $6502.Stellerator(
gamma: 1,
scalingMode: Stellerator.ScalingMode.qis,
tvEmulation: Stellerator.TvEmulation.composite,
phosphorLevel: 0.5,
scanlineLevel: 0.2

Video output

Stellerator has serveral options that influence the video display


This adjusts the gamma correction factor that is applied to the image.

Scaling mode

This changes the algorithm that is used to scale the emulator image to the canvas size

  • QIS (Quasi Integer Scaling) (default): Produces a crisp image while avoiding Moirée artifacts.
  • Bilinear scaling: Avoids Moirée artifacts, but introduces visible blurring.
  • None: Plain nearest neightbour scaling. A crisp image, but there will be Moirée artifacts if the scaling factor is not an integer.

TV Emulation

Stellerator emulates the effect of modulating / demodulating the video signal for the TV. This uses hardware acceleration and runs on the GPU and may cause visual artifacts on some GPUs. In particular, composite does not display cleanly on some iOS devices due to precision issues.

If you want to be 100% sure that everyone can use the emulator without artifacts you might want to disable TV emulation by setting tvEmulation: Stellerator.TvEmulation.none.


Stellerator emulates the phosphor effect from CRT tubes. The blend facotor can be controlled with the phosphotLevel option. Setting this to 0 disables phosphor.


The blend factor of the scanline overlay can be adjusted with scalineLevel.

Fullscreen mode

The display can be put in fullscreen mode either programmatically or (unless disabled) via the keyboard. Stellerator uses the HTML5 fullscreen API (with the exception of iOS devices which do not support HTML5 fullscreen; see 'iOS quirks' below).

Switching to fullscreen mode changes element styles on the canvas. In addition, the class stellerator-fullscreen is added to the the body element. You can target this class if you want to do additional styling in fullscreen mode.

Input and key mappings

The following control scheme applies unless configured differently in the options (individual parts can be disabled, but custom key mappings are not yet supported):

  • wasd / arrow keys and space / v for fire control joystick 1
  • ijkl and b for fire controls joystick 2
  • shift-enter controls the reset button on the console
  • shift-space controls the select button on the console
  • enter toggles fullscreen
  • shift-r resets the emulator
  • p toggles pause
  • The horizontal axis of the mouse and d for fire control paddle 1
  • Gamepads are supported for joystick 1/2 but rely on browser and OS for the correct mapping
  • Multitouch controls are available for controlling the left joystick and start / reset / fullscreen. Check the Stellerator documentation for the control scheme.

The difficulty and color switches can be controlled via the API.


Browser support

6502.ts aggressivly leverages many modern browser technologies which are part of HTML5 and the ES6 standard. Although the code is still compiled to ES5, it uses many data structures and APIs that are part of HTML5 and ES6 and requires the browser to support them. You can relax this restriction by loading polyfills like core.js to provide the missing features, but don't expect the result to run smoothly :)

That said, Stellerator runs flawlessly in any reasonably modern version of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Edge runs the emulator, but currently has trouble running at full speed. Safari on iOS works fine on 64bit devices, but there are some quirks regarding audio and fullscreen mode (see below). The mileage with other browsers may vary.

System requirements and speed

Any reasonably modern (not older than 5-6 years) x86 based system should be able to run the emulator at full speed. The mileage with ARM and mobile devices varies. The emulator supports connected gamepads (unless disabled in the options) but relies on OS and browser to map the gamepad buttons correctly.

I have not yet found any Android device that can sustain 6502.ts at full speed, but recent 64bit iOS devices work fine.

Safari quirks

Due to policies enforced by Apple, audio will not play unless started from an interaction event triggered by the user. Stellerator tries to work around this, but there must be at least one click to the page after the Stellerator instance has been created before audio starts playing.

iOS quirks

Stellerator works fine on iOS devices; however there are some quirks.

Due to policies enforced by Apple, audio will not play unless started from an interaction event triggered by the user. Stellerator tries to work around this, but there must be at least one touch to the page after the Stellerator instance has been created before audio starts playing.

HTML5 fullscreen is unsupported by Safari on iOS. Instead, Stellerator tries to emulate it by fixed positioning of the canvas with a large Z index. This more or less works, but the browser toolbar still makes its appearance if the display is touched at the wrong points, and manual scrolling is required to get rid of it again. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done about this when the page is displayed in the browser app. However, the interference from the browser UI can be avoided if the page is loaded from the homescreen and the apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag is configured. Please check out the official Apple documentation for details.


If the emulator fails to work, please check the debug console for any errors. In particular, check the network tab whether the worker script is loaded correctly. Also, check whether the example works.

If need help or think that you may have found an issue, please file a bug on the github tracker. Please check the tracker for existing issues that describe your problem first.

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